06 October 2008

Interbike 2008-Kevin Langton's View

September saw Bicyclinghub make it's annual pilgrimage to Interbike 2008 in Vegas. Our owner Doug, now an Interbike vet , took me, the novice, along for my first Interbike experience. As well as checking out new lines we caught up with some of our friends from, to name a few, - Albabici, Giordana, Gore Bikewear , Opsal, Primal Wear, Swobo, Vanderkitten all of whom we don't get to see as often as those who, like us, made the trip from Portland/the NorthWest (Castelli USA, Showers Pass & Sheila Moon who we also stopped in on - it would have been rude not too !)

I've been to other shows in Europe big and small - my first Interbike did not dissappoint and had me running around like the proverbial kid in a candy store that I'm sure all we people who ride bikes become when placed in such an environment. Of course in my mind (and my dreams !) I fitted out my bike with all the very latest in trick gear - not just once I might add - and of course the necessary attire to go with it - for that Pro rider look. Someone said to me at the show - 'it's not about how fast you go - it's about how fast you look'. One of those may require a little less training I think - or training of a different kind at least. Whether you wish to dress fast or slow - there was plenty for everyone on display at Interbike and many of our favorites are included in our store.

From retro wool to the latest technical wear, for raceday, century ride, club ride and the latest in 'lifestyle' wear - clothes you can bike places in and leave on when you get there without getting strange looks. Be it to catch a movie, a beer, hang out with friends - pursuits that I'm sure, along with riding a bike, are popular the world over - not just in Portland. Actually I didn't see any pub theaters in Vegas - there you go - that's what it needs - I knew there was something missing - just couldn't put my finger on it until now !

There was plenty to see at the show - a lot of which I wished I'd had the time to check out more thoroughly. Said Hi to Eddy Merckx and to some of the guys at Rock Racing including, who was kind enough to bring me up to date on how the weather had been in my home town. He was still recovering from a spill taken in the Tour of Britain.

Didn't see Lance but heard the buzz aplenty about his news conference debate with Greg Lemond. He did Cross Vegas also which we didn't get over to see.

Back in PDX now - cross season is upon us. We are also looking forward to the Oregon Handbuilt show this coming weekend ; new premises and more space for the hub ; lots of new inventory for the Fall/Winter season ; and the perfect weather to road test it !

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