02 February 2010

Bicycling Racing Trivia From Dave Campbell

Bicycling Racing Trivia From Dave Campbell. The first person to email the correct answers to Sales@bicyclinghub.com gets a $20 gift certificate to BicyclingHub.com.

Q1. This year marks the 38th year of this important early season stage race that helps the riders build into the Classics and the first “BIG” stage race…Paris-Nice. The event is typically won by Italian, Spanish, Belgian, French, and the occasional German rider. However…it HAS been won by ONE English Speaking INVADER…who?

Q2. GERMANS have had some success here…three victories in fact with the most recent being Jorg Jaksche in 2004 and the ageless omni-aggressive Jens Voigt in 2005. Who was the first German champion here?

Q3. As mentioned earlier, The Mediterranean Tour is an important tune-up for the Spring Classics and covers some of the same roads as Milan-San Remo and Paris-Nice. Who was the last rider to triumph here and then go on to win a Classic?

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