02 March 2010

What's with the funny, new look of the blog, Twitter and Facebook pages??

Bicyclinghub.com is in the process of redesigning our website. For those of you who have done this, the phrase "herding cats" will be familiar to you. It's a multifaceted process, that takes longer than anticipated (in total, almost 1 year) and often ends in frustration. Fortunately, BicyclingHub.com has hired one of the best companies in the business, Eystudios.com and we have been assured the magic switch should be pulled within the next month and a half.

As I reflect here in the bedroom where BicyclingHub.com was started (which at the moment serves as a home office,) we have processed over 54,000 orders and shipped to over 100 countries. Currently, our office is a 4,000 square foot warehouse and we are looking to expand that very soon (see this page about our new retail space in downtown Portland.) Pretty damn neat! I couldn't have asked for a better business to be a part of!

We are excited about the future and we are excited about our new website and logo. Thanks to the many friends who have been loyal to us over the years. In 2010-2011 we expect to give you more in depth information about the products we sell and deliver faster service to new countries along with serving new languages to our international customers.



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