05 April 2010

April Trivia Answers

Once again, Paul Moore correctly answered our April trivia contest. Way to go Paul! Paul has owned this competition for the past three months.

A1. 1987, Claude Criquelion. He broke away on the flat after the Bosberg because he “knew which way the wind blew” and he had a “secret equipment weapon”…a 12 tooth cog, a novelty at that time and it was HOMEMADE!!! This was the 71st edition and Claudy won solo wearing #71!

A2. 1972 and 1973, and NO it wasn’t Eddy Merckx! This Belgian was Eric Leman! He, along with Italian Fiorenzo Magni, and fellow Belgians Achiel Buysse and Johan Museeuw hold the record at three wins each, a mark Devolder and Boonen would love to match!

A3. 1992 was Jacky Durand (France) pulling off one of his trademark race-long breakaways, 1997 was Rolf Sorenson (Denmark) and 2003 was Steffen Wesemann of Germany.

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