01 April 2010

Dave Campbell's Trivia For April - Tour of Flanders

Same rules as last month. First person to email all three correct answers to trivia at bicyclinghub.com wins a $20 BicyclingHub.com Gift Coupon.

April 2010

The Belgians Mania for Cycling is at a Fevered Pitch…

Euro Bike Race Fanatics are Salivating for Pave…



Q1. Belgians have won 66 of the 93 editions of the Ronde. Belgium has two regions…Walloonia (French-speaking home of later April classics Liege-Bastogne-Liege and Fleche-Wallone) and Flanders (where Sunday’s event takes place and the people speak Flemish). Of all these victories, ONLY ONE WAS BY A WALOON. Who and when?

Q2. Belgium has not only HISTORICALLY ruled the Ronde but recently too and with two men and they are teammates! Strongman Stijn Devolder has won the most recent two editions and Tom Boonen won back-to-back in 2005 and 2006. Prior to these two Quick Step riders who was the last “repeater” at this tough race full of cobbled bergs? HINT: Local knowledge is EVERYTHING at the Ronde so of course he is Belgian!!!

Q3. Italy, although historically not very successful in Flanders, has notched six wins in the last two decades with a slew of great Classics riders (Bugno, Tafi, Bartoli, Ballan, Bortolami, & Argentin) Besides the home standing and long dominant Belgians only three wins since 1990 have gone to nationalities other than these two, they are: A German, A Dane, and a Frenchman. Can you name them?

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