25 January 2011

Do you care about bicycling? Let your elected representatives know!

Back in August 2010, we asked our readers who were interested in building a better future for biking to check out Peopleforbikes.org and sign a simple pledge stating: "I RIDE." Since then, 180,000 Americans have signed the pledge in support of safer and better bicycling and become linked to a powerful movement afoot in the U.S.

Now, as the national campaign enters Phase 2, your help is needed. Peopleforbikes.org requests five minutes of your time to send a short email to your U.S. Representative affirming your interest in safe and convenient bicycling, and asks your member of Congress to support ongoing funding for bike projects and crucial programs such as Safe Routes to School.

Below is a personal message from Tim Blumenthal, Director of Peopleforbikes.org:

"We are sorry to report that some members of Congress, particularly in the House of Representatives, want to dramatically (and disproportionally) cut the cost-effective federal investment in bicycling projects and programs, like bike paths, bike lanes, trails, and more. They simply don’t know (or overlook) these facts:

• Bicycling and walking are essential to our communities.

• Federal transportation investments that support these activities boost our economy, help individuals and government agencies save money, and directly address key societal challenges such as obesity and road congestion.

• Biking and walking currently total
12% of the trips that Americans make but cost just 1.5% of our transportation spending. That’s the type of cost effectiveness we need now!

We’ve gathered lots of statistics and case studies that back these key points. You can read them

In the next two months, Congress will make important decisions that will not only affect the future of bicycling, but possibly your own hometown bike riding experiences. That’s why we need you to send a short note now to your U.S. Representative. You can find your representative and send your note directly from our website. Click here to review clear, basic, suggested text for your email. Feel free to customize it and/or add a short personal story.

Meanwhile, whatever the weather, we hope that you continue to bike, enjoy every ride, and reap all the benefits."

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