24 February 2011

Never let a little snow keep you from riding

Congratulations to Mario Bartel, aka Jay Suburb, for his winning photo entry of our Facebook photo contest on wintertime riding conditions. Bartel states, "It was shot with the self-timer on my camera while on a ride out to the University of British Columbia last Friday [February 18, 2011]. We'd had some pretty bizarre weather role through here on Thursday, with rain, hail, sleet, snow and even thunder and lightning in the space of a few hours.

"I've learned to pack my camera along on rides as I keep a cycling blog chronicling my training for last year's Whistler Gran Fondo and, this year, Levi Leipheimer's Gran Fondo, as well as other random musings, at: http://thebigring.wordpress.com "

As Jay says, "Never let a little snow keep you from riding!" Amen to that, Jay, and congratulations on earning yourself a $50 gift certificate to BicyclingHub.com for some great new winter riding gear.

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