01 March 2011

Keynote Speakers to Address National Bike Summit Announced

One week from today, March 8th-11th, over 600 advocates, educators and planners-- representing all 50 states and 6 countries--will gather in Washington, DC to urge Congress to make strategic transportation investments that foster healthy people and healthy communities. The solution? A surprisingly simple one: the bicycle.

The League of American Bicyclists, hosts of the annual affair for eleven years running, have recently announced a list of eminent speakers scheduled to address the crowd, including: U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, NYC DOT Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan, Congressman Earl Blumenauer (D-OR), U.S. Department of the Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, Robin Schepper, Executive Director of the First Lady's Let's Move Campaign, Bikes Belong President Tim Blumenthal, and policy experts from America Bikes, Safe Routes to School National Partnership and the International Mountain Biking Association's "A Team” of Policy and Trail Care Experts.

According the League, "Half of all U.S. trips are three miles or less, [yet] more than 90 percent are made by car. The National Bike Summit has improved bicycle-friendliness and livability in many communities, but the need and opportunity to improve physical activity, safety and livability in the U.S., while reducing congestion, greenhouse gas emissions and our dependence on oil – remains greater today than a decade ago."

The Summit affords attendees a rare opportunity to network across state lines with those that have waged similar campaigns, share successful strategies, and trade words of wisdom. Such knowledge will then be injected back into local communities upon the return home. The League will be making its Spring 2011 Bicycle-Friendly Businesses official announcement during the Summit on Wednesday, March 9, recognizing selected companies who are doing wonderful things for its employees and the greater bicycling community.

Attend the 2011 National Bike Summit with BicyclingHub.com
It's an important year for bike advocacy. Be a part of it at the National Bike Summit March 8th-11th with BicyclingHub.com. Follow our Blog, Facebook and Twitter feeds as we provide live updates and news stories on the most pressing policy, education, transportation planning and land access issues facing both on-road and off-road bicyclists today.

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