14 March 2011

Photos from Congressional Bike Ride and Delegation Reception now up!

Arizona state flags proudly flying in honor of Representative Gabrielle Giffords and those killed in the Tucson, AZ shooting.

What better way to close the National Bike Summit than with a RIDE?
(left to right): Shane Farthing and Kevin Belanger from the Washington Area Bicyclists Association (WABA) escort Summiteers back to the Capitol.

Congressional aides, bike/ped advocates and National Bike Summit attendees gathered at Garfield Circle in front of the Capitol on Friday morning take a tour of Washington, DC by bike and see some of the latest bicycle infrastructure improvements, including the new bike lanes installed down the center of Pennsylvania Avenue (!!) and the two-way cycle track on 15th Street.

Hosted by the Washington Area Bicyclists Association, this year's ride was dedicated to Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ), a member of the Congressional Bike Caucus, and in memory of those killed in the Tuscon, AZ shooting.

Photo, right: Shane Farthing, Executive Director of Washington Area Bicyclists Association (WABA) , right, asks ride participant how she likes the new Capitol bike Share program that quickly, cleanly and efficiently transports individuals around the Metro DC area.

See the full catalog of photos on our Facebook album here.

National Bike Summit: Oregon Delegation Congressional Reception

Photo above: Representative Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) shares a few words of inspiration with the Oregon delegates gathered.

Photo above: Representative Peter DeFazio (D-OR) (left) and BTA Executive Director Rob Sadowsky (right).

After a busy day of asks on Capitol Hill, Cycle Oregon hosted a special reception at Capitol City Brewing Company (next to Union Station) to thank all of the Oregon delegates represented at elected representatives and their staff of their tireless efforts to make Oregon a heathy and sustainable state to live, walk and ride.

Photo left: Benjamin Beamer, Chairman of Greater Oakridge Area Trail Stewards and Alison Hill Graves, Executive Director of the Community Cycling Center, wear it loud and say it proud: "CELEBRATE THE RIDE!"

Photo, right: Jerry Norquist, Executive Director of Cycle Oregon (left) and Randy Dreiling, Owner of Oregon Adventures and Promoter of Mt Bike Oregon (right), agree whether it's on pavement or trail, Oregon is a beautiful place to tour by bike.

See the full catalog of photos on our Facebook album here.

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