13 October 2011

A Passion for Cycling: Behind-the-Scenes Look with Filmmakers from PDXK Productions

Last week, BicyclingHub.com launched its newest video,  A Passion for Cycling: Doug Duguay talks about an affinity in BicyclingHub.com's DNA, on our YouTube Channel.

Founder of ‪http://www.BicyclingHub.com, Doug Duguay tells the story of his cycling apparel business and what it offers customers who are interested in bike jerseys, shorts, and other bicycle clothing products. 

Take a ride with Doug through Portland's beautiful Mt. Tabor Park and see the products, brick-and-mortar and Internet store close up. Plus watch a reenactment from Doug's childhood (well kinda).

Jaime Jay Nava and Dan Kaufman on assignment at
Filmed by Bike for Pirate Satellite TV.
A collaboration with locally-based filmmakers Dan Kaufman and Jaime Jay Nava of PDXK Productions, we wanted to share not only the short film itself but also a behind-the-scenes look of how the project came to fruition. "Portlanders expect and encourage creativity and free spiritedness," observes Kaufman. Two of the qualities he admires most about the city are reflected in their work.

BicyclingHub:  How did you decide where and what to shoot the promo?

DK: After a couple rounds of coffee and brainstorming with Doug we determined he should be the focus, spokesman, and face of the company.  We all felt that's what sets BicyclingHub.com apart from some of the other cycling apparel outlets is the passion for cycling. We wanted to show Doug in action and wearing the gear.

BicyclingHub:  Why Mt. Tabor?  Does it hold a special place in Portlander's hearts?

DK: I have spent countless hours on Mt. Tabor and Washington Park.  Both have great views of the city and I consider the reservoirs to be gems that make great backgrounds for video and photographs.  Much of Mt. Tabor it is low-car or car-free so we can be free to ride and shoot bit more care free.  The federal government is also trying to force the city to cap the reservoirs so the water shots may someday be a historical view if the city can't find a solution.  I suppose there is a subtle message to Portlanders that we need save these treasures.

Doug Duguay proudly sporting the BicyclingHub Team Jersey
during a recent Cross Crusade cyclocross race.
BicyclingHub:  Why did you feel it was important to feature the owner actually riding his bike in the video?

DK: We wanted Doug's passion for cycling to be self-apparent.  It's one thing to say it.  It has more impact to show it.

BicyclingHub:  Can you describe the collaborative process you employ when working with clients to capture what you/they might be looking for to convey to their audience?

DK: We always begin with the end in mind.  We ask questions like who will be watching and what will they want to know. What is the medium and how long will people pay attention?

Video is usually more a more visceral, emotional medium so it's important to try to reach the viewers that way.  But we also want the message to be clear from the outset. Then we open it up to brainstorming where nothing is off-limits.  We come up with a few ideas and then narrow it down based on what we think will be the most entertaining and effective in getting the message across. 

Jaime Jay Nava armed and ready for action
Working with Doug was a real treat - we tried to keep his scripted lines to a minimum and then just let him riff on the story of BicyclingHub and his passion for cycling.  Jay and I always have fun working together... finding shots, cracking jokes and just enjoying the act of movie making in the moment and Doug jumped right into that.

Thanks for your all your great work, Dan and Jay!  After 10 years in business, we're just as passionate about cycling as the day we started.

Can you do us a favor? 
We're trying to hit 1,000 YouTube views. Share this link with your friends: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XL99iwWz9n8 and spread the cycling love!

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