07 June 2012

BicyclingHub.com and the Tour de Cure!

Help Stop Diabetes! Ride a Bike!

BicyclingHub.com is on a mission to get more people on the bike and to live a healthier lifestyle, and also to help fight diabetes!  Nearly 26 million Americans are currently living with diabetes, with another 79 million suffering from pre-diabetes.  This means that roughly 1 in 10 Americans are living with the disease, and 350,000 of those live in Oregon and Southwest Washington alone.  The numbers are vast and rapidly growing.  The mission is urgent: to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all the people affected by diabetes.

We are asking you to help us do just that.  The American Diabetes Association has been funding innovative research to combat diabetes since 1955.  The Tour de Cure was organized as a cycling event to help the Association raise money and further the cause - researching, advocating and educating the public.
The Tour de Cure is the largest fundraising event in the region for the ADA.  With 1,200 registered participants and cash donations totaling $353,000 in 2011, we are striving to reach an even bigger goal of $1,500 riders and $425,000 in 2012.  Join our team and help us make it happen!
All of us at BicyclingHub.com are excited to be a part of this amazing event happening in Hillsboro on July 28, 2012.  Over the past three years, our team has earned nearly $10,000 in cash donations.  This year, we have the opportunity to raise over $5,000.  We want YOU to be a part of that opportunity and goal.
The numbers are very clear.  Diabetes affects so many of those around us, and chances are you know someone who suffers from diabetes as well.  The American Diabetes Association and the Tour de Cure are committed to changing the lives of everyone affected.  An impressive 75% of every dollar spent supports research, advocacy, and services for people affected by diabetes. We want you to join us in our commitment to making a difference.

The BicyclingHub.com Team is looking to reach our goal of raising $5,000 in 2012.  We are asking you to be a part of that by simply donating to our team cause, or by RIDING WITH US on July 28, 2012.  Enjoy the day on the bike with us as we traverse through the rolling hills of the Willamette Valley.  From the stunning vineyards of Oregon's fragrant wine-country to the hazelnut orchards of the state's gorgeous farmland, the experience will be breathtaking and full of fun.  Following the ride we will all enjoy the live music from Portland's own Curtis Salgado, who was just recently named 2012 Soul Artist of the Year, as well as lunch, massages, water-slides for the kiddos in the family, and a beer garden for the over 21 gang! Every rider counts, every dollar raised makes a difference, and everyone is welcome to join our team!

We are determined to reach our team goal, one rider at a time. So let's get in gear and ride to Stop Diabetes!
     I am doing TDC this year for kind of a funny reason. First off I have type I diabetes, and that should be enough reason in itself. However I have always done lots of rides for other people with diseases and disorders to help raise money for them. My mother has multiple sclerosis and I have done the MS bike ride for the last three years in her name for her mothers day gift. This year for her gift she wanted me to do something for me and the JDRF. Thats why I'm riding- for me, my mom and everyone that's as tired of having to think about how many carbs are in everything that passes their lips.

I ride Tour de Cure because diabetes killed my father.  I was born in
1970 to Paul and Kris Blatt.  My dad was born in 1943, and came down
with diabetes at the age of 6.  His case was particularly severe, and
as good as my grandmother was about regulating his bloodsugar with a
healthy diet, then-brand-new insulin technology and an eagle eye out
for her son's welfare, the spikes eventually took their toll on his
body and vital organs.  He passed away in 1972 at the age of 27,
leaving my mother a 22 year old widow and me an orphan.  I often
wonder what kind of man he would have grown to be if diabetic care had
been even slightly more advanced at that time.
More research makes things better, and brings us closer to a cure.
I ride for my dad.


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