10 January 2013


 Countless Smiles – Endless Miles
Spreading Peace and Happiness Throughout Our Daily Lives

While visiting my family over the holidays in Seattle, I was lucky enough to enjoy a beautiful, rugged hike through Rattlesnake Ridge accompanied by my brother, Mike. The physical exertion calmed my spirit and opened my mind.

Discovery Park
The next day, still feeling a sense of openness and peace, Mike and I enjoyed a wonderfully calm temperate Seattle day walking in Discovery Park. The ghostly gray of the day was marked with a thin ribbon of light, bringing to mind future warmth and happiness.

A cyclist rode past us, causing me to grin widely, and as is my habit, I raised my arm in salute of their passion and cheered them on. The smile of that lone rider provided the impetus for a conversation between my brother and I about what would happen if we, as individuals, could make ten people a day smile? Would those ten people smile at ten more? Could we spread peace and joy throughout the lives of others simply by smiling? Is change that simple?

The notion of infecting others with happiness through free smiles was the inspiration for Bicyclinghub.com’s Project Smile. As a business owner, I’ve built solid relationships with thousands of customers over my ten years in business, which puts me in a wonderfully unique position to harness the energy of the many friends and social media followers Bicyclinghub.com has to promote Project Smile. I threw out a figure, “make 1,000 people smile a day.”
Mike and Doug Duguay, Rattle Snake Ridge

Through all life’s experiences, be they triumphant or turbulent, one concept remains constant: We want to be happy - you, me, all of us. And I ask you to join me in Project Smile, give, receive, and let me know how it changes your life.  If you haven't already, smile, then pass it on!  

Doug Duguay


  1. I commute every day, and some of my commute in the morning includes riding the train. I must say, when I see a full train of bikes without room for more on board. I can only smile and greet the new rider with a smile. Cheers for more bikes. On my morning commute, so many bike board our train, they actually gave us a bike car. Love that!! Metrolink route 682...very.cool. Los Angeles.

  2. Right on Erin! You have a beautiful smile!

    Helene thank you for your post!

  3. For years I have challenged myself to smile and say something encouraging to every bicycler I pass. Little did I know that "The Smile Project" was spreading the same energy. What a wonderful world this truly is.


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