Reasons are as varied and inspirational as the cyclists that comprise the community

"CYCLING HAS CHANGED / EXTENDED MY LIFE. I'm a new, happier, more relaxed, skinnier, more energetic, etc. person thanks to cycling. I rode in my twenties and LOVED it. Wish I had never quit cycling." ~Robert P.
Last week, we ran another fun contest on BicyclingHub's Facebook page with the open-ended question, "Why do you love cycling?" The topic generated over 36 short essay responses that spoke directly to the wonder, freedom, and liberation we often experience during a ride. What moved us most, though, were our readers' testimonials about getting a second lease on life and making every moment count. They also serve as a reminder that it's never too late to start, and enjoying the simple pleasures a bicycle ride can yield.
Congratulations to Robert P. for his WINNING ENTRY in our contest. If you're in the Pacheco, California area, look for Robert riding around town sporting his NEW Jersey by Castelli and loving the ride!
The Winner

Podium-Worthy Entries:

"I, like many others, started cycling because I realized that after I entered my 30's that staying fit wasn't as easy as it used to be. Earlier this year, I looked in the mirror and realized that I was a shell of myself ... I was an athlete in high school and a division three soccer player ... fitness was easy for me. However; since I had my daughter, everything else took priority and I ballooned up up 248 lbs. After looking in the mirror and realizing I needed to do something, running wasn't cutting it (I didn't like it) ... I decided to give biking a try ... and I've been hooked ever since ... I bought my first bike (a Trek Hybrid 7.5fx) and started riding and soon upgraded to a Trek Madone (and now look for a nice Cervelo) ... I ride because I now love it ... and because I want to be around for my now 8 year old daughter. I've lost 44 pounds in less than 6 months and look forward to every ride, but most importantly, I started riding because of me ... and to make a "better" me ... Thanks for all of the great products and support to the BicyclingHub community!" -Rich M.
"I realized that after having my children I was in danger of 'losing' myself in motherhood - so I got on a bike for sanity, exercise and fun:) " ~Joanna P. P.
"I started cycling at a very young age. I came from a very bad home, and my parents were too busy to do anything with me. I was not allowed to do many things, but they figured that if they let me ride my bicycle, I couldn't be too far. Buying me that red Kia Star 10 speed was the best thing that ever happened to me. I could ride 40 or 50 miles a day, go anywhere I wished, and that thought I was close by. To me, that bicycle meant freedom, and I have been riding ever since." ~Ricardo O.

"My boss. He was relentless on how I needed to start biking like him. I bought a Wal-Mart bike and took one water bottle to a rail trail to get back on a bike after 30 years. I did not want to go to work and tell him I did not do the whole 32 mile loop. As a result I barely made it back to the car. Dehydrated and exhausted, I struggled to get the bike in the back of my van. I did not know a butt could swell. That was the beginning 10 years ago. Now I own 2 road bikes and 5 mtn bikes which cost more than my van and love cycling as the main passion in my life." ~Kelly B.

I somehow mounted the stationary bike (darn Wisconsin winter) and stuck with it five days a week until spring, when I remembered my broken 1993 Trek mountain bike sitting sadly in the corner. Turns out it just needed a tune-up. I did everything wrong that first ride (got my pants caught in the sprocket) and couldn't make it up the baby hill. But again, I pedalled on, and was soon doing 15 miles several times a week, ending with 900 miles in 2009. In March of this year I was diagnosed with diabetes, and found out how important exercise is to managing the disease. Biking has become essential to staying healthy. Training for two half-marathons brought my mileage down a little to 700 this year, but I still rode 40 miles for 40 years, and made it up two monster hills in my area. I now weigh 170, feel fabulous, and am determined to keep pedaling (hopefully on a new cross-bike!)" ~Patty G.
"Had chronic back pain and the resulting depression that goes along with it. I figured I could not hurt anymore so I took a chance. I am pain free for 2+ years and riding strong. I am doing my first solo 24 hour race in February. Only 2 1/2 years after riding a mountain bike for the first time. THAT IS A PRIVILEDGE! Mountain biking CHANGED my life. IT SAVED ME." ~Gianna B.

After 10 months of getting up every morning and riding 20+ miles before work plus a healthy diet, I had lost 115 pounds. For the first time since high school, I was thin. My BMI was "normal". My sleep apnea, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure had all vanished. I felt great. On August 15th, I upgraded my old Craigslist bike with a brand-new shniy full carbon Fuji. On August 21st, I completed my first century ride. On September 11th, I completed my 2nd. On October 24th, I completed my third. I plan to complete one more during the week of Christmas. Since discovering fitness cycling in February, I have logged more than 4,000 miles and made a wonderful group of friends. My success with weight loss (the good old-fashioned way) has been contagious among my friends and coworkers. I can honestly say that cycling has saved my life. I am looking forward to many, many years of happy miles." ~Jason R.
Honorable Mentions
"I wanted to sexy for my hubby and healthy for me!" Tona J-G
"Y'all will think this is nuts. I got a bike soto ride a ways from the house so I could smoke without my kids seeing me smoke (didn't want to set a bad example). Over time, I began to enjoy the riding more than the smoking, so I quit smoking and started riding more. The rest, as they say, is history. Crazy, I know - truth is stranger than fiction." ~Paul L.
"I was diagnosed with Arthritis about 3 years ago and the more I read about it losing weight and low impact exercise was the key to living a better life. Cycling was the answer for me and now it’s a life style. I turned 50 this year and for my birthday I spent the day cycling best dam birthday present I have ever gave myself!" ~Joe G.
"Because my husband didn't want me to! Had to finally ditch him in order to take my first cross country biking trip! :) "~Meg R.
"Because I was so pissed off about being injured from a car wreck that I decided to stay strong by training for tri's and fell in love with cycling!!!" ~Jennifer B. K.
"My husband has been a cyclist and triathlete for years, and I needed to do something that we both could do together, so instead of just hanging out a movie together then dinner, we now can go for a ride together and have lunch or just coffee on the way. Great Fitness, great outings. Families who play together stay together." ~Jane B.
"Truly by accident, I was looking into a scooter to commute 2 work and found a bicycle instead. Commuting by bicycle to work has really helped me in my life, in which I am truly grateful." ~Michael M.
"The first time I was on a "two-wheeler" bike I was four. After one trip down the street I came home and told me dad to remove the training wheels, then I rode up and down the street all day nonstop. I was a four year old in love!! I wanted to ride my bike all around the world, from one side of the country to the other. This feeling comes over me every time I ride. I can't get enough. This year, in the last six months alone I've logged more than 4,000 miles. It is still my dream to ride coast to coast. There is no substitute for the freedom and the power I feel with the wind blowing behind me, the rain falling down on me and the scents of pine while riding through the mountains. I just love it!!! And, by the way ... just saying ... I ride a Klein and it is beautiful .. and I am so proud of my bike and would love to ride with a new BicyclingHub jersey!!!!!" ~Rose E.
"Because I was bored working ladies fashions for REI and wanted to switch to the cycling department where I could meet cute, slim dudes!" ~Julia A. B.
Honorable Mentions

"Y'all will think this is nuts. I got a bike soto ride a ways from the house so I could smoke without my kids seeing me smoke (didn't want to set a bad example). Over time, I began to enjoy the riding more than the smoking, so I quit smoking and started riding more. The rest, as they say, is history. Crazy, I know - truth is stranger than fiction." ~Paul L.
"I was diagnosed with Arthritis about 3 years ago and the more I read about it losing weight and low impact exercise was the key to living a better life. Cycling was the answer for me and now it’s a life style. I turned 50 this year and for my birthday I spent the day cycling best dam birthday present I have ever gave myself!" ~Joe G.

"Because I was so pissed off about being injured from a car wreck that I decided to stay strong by training for tri's and fell in love with cycling!!!" ~Jennifer B. K.
"My husband has been a cyclist and triathlete for years, and I needed to do something that we both could do together, so instead of just hanging out a movie together then dinner, we now can go for a ride together and have lunch or just coffee on the way. Great Fitness, great outings. Families who play together stay together." ~Jane B.
"Truly by accident, I was looking into a scooter to commute 2 work and found a bicycle instead. Commuting by bicycle to work has really helped me in my life, in which I am truly grateful." ~Michael M.

"Because I was bored working ladies fashions for REI and wanted to switch to the cycling department where I could meet cute, slim dudes!" ~Julia A. B.